Independent Dual Extrusion System is an advanced level of FFF 3D printing technique that allows two print heads to move independently from each other. Each head has its own hot end (or) extruder head and can print with the same (or) different materials.
With its two independent extruders which is equipped with two hot ends mounted on the X-carriage, one can achieve two individual X movements and are capable of producing two prints at a single point of time.
Two extruders accompany each other creating Multi-color & Multi-material modes including soluble support material. This opens up the complex designs to be printed beyond what a Single Head Extrusion 3D Printer can provide in a smooth workflow.
Benefits of IDEX
- Double the Productivity (2X times)
- Reduce the Lead time by half
- Increase the ease of use in Multi-Material mode. (Main Core material + Support Dissolvable Material)
- Unlock the potential capabilities of this Architecture with Unique & Innovative modes such as Dual, Duplicate and Mirror.
Different Print Modes
- Auto or Stand-alone Mode
- Duplication or Twin Mode
- Mirror or Symmetric Mode
- Dual Print mode:
- Dual-Color Mode
- Dual-Material Mode

Highlights of Independent Dual Extrusion System
No more Oozing or Stringing (Multi color print without contamination)
Several 3D printers on the market offer Dual Extrusion by placing Two Nozzles in a Single Print head or Carriage which is now conventional. Since the Inactive nozzle is always close to the part that is being printed, this technology comes with several drawbacks like Oozing, limited print materials etc. Both the Hot Ends are kept close to each other sharing a Single Carriage.
For Independent Extruders the situation is different: each Independent Head has its own Nozzle and own Carriage. When one Nozzle is active and printing, the other Inactive Nozzle moves to the parking location. Wiping mechanism is provided at the parking location. When switching from one color or material to other the filament which leaks out of the Inactive Head does not stick to the print, as it will be wiped out at the parking zone itself. Addition to this, even we can provide Ooze or Wipe Tower or Shield. This prevents contamination of materials and gives neat, cleaner and beautiful prints reducing mix-up or dripping of the colors.
2X Efficiency & 2X Production with Duplicate & Mirror mode
The IDEX 3D printer system is unique & engineered with advanced User Interface. The software automatically copies the selected part for you. It allows printing the model in Duplicate and Mirror modes at the same time.
The Independent Dual Extruder System allows printing with two identical parts simultaneously. This doubles the production speed and halves the lead time of the printer making the machine much more effective for batch production.
- Hassle free workflow with high ease of access,
- Double the efficiency & productivity,
- Halve the Cost & Lead time.
More possibilities with Multi-color & Multi-material printing
Another big advantage of the Independent Dual Extruder is that it allows the two Nozzles to have a big temperature difference and therefore allows combining different materials. For instance it is possible for complex prints using soluble support material and main core material can be assigned differently and independently. Since the heads are separated from each other, it is possible to set the nozzles at different temperatures with a large difference in temperature between them. This allows the user to make many more material combinations.
Difference between Independent and Dependent Dual Extruders?
There are two different types of Dual extruder 3D printers, Dependent Dual Extruder 3D printers, and Independent Dual Extruder 3D printers. Both types of Dual extruder 3D printers have unique characteristics.
In a 3D printer with Dependent Dual Extruder, the nozzles stay in contact with each other at all times (also known as contact design). These nozzles then move together in the same direction during the printing process. In most of the Dependent Dual Extruder designs, the inactive Hot end will not able to lift away from the object when the active extruder is printing. If this problem occurs, the inactive Hot end can bump into the object it is printing, resulting in a damaged 3D printed object.
In a 3D printer with Independent Dual Extruders, the nozzles can move away from each other and also from the object that is being produced. This ability helps protect the object from being damaged during printing.